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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The State Highway Patrol targets Hispanics....Arizona

It is a difficult task to see, as one may not relate to the aspects of being targeted as a minority..?
Its becomes more clouded as this behavior becomes more and more mainstream. In an ideal world there would be no anonymousity towards others who looked different, had different religious beliefs, came from a different backgound, or simply had a different view outside of what is considered the normal-mainstream.?
In this instance...
This becomes more clear and blatant as the targeting of minorities is done so without in case of the Hispanics and Blacks in this State being targeted. Moreover,  not just by those who are simply opposed to these groups (bigots), but in this instance.., it comes from those who are -sworn to uphold and protect the law..
As was in the case of: Arnold -v- Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS-Highway Patrol).
In this Class Action Lawsuit, the victims of the racial profiling were singled out specifically for no other reason other than -being a minority.
According to Alessadra Soler Meetz, of the ACLU, the report by the DPS's own admition stated..:
..."Searches being conducted by the majority of DPS officers continue to target minorities,  despite the fact that people of color are less likely than 'whites' to be transporting drugs, weapons or other illegal contraband..."
Furthermore, the allegations go on to state..
..."The report also shows that minorities are detained for longer periods of time after being stopped by DPS officers..." 
In the findings of the report by the DPS they mention;
..."This unequal treatment was not justified by higher contraband seizure rates from minority motorist..." 
Notice the mention of the words---not justified.
Very profound words, as the continued hate in Arizona gains its momentum.. 
This lawsuit cost taxpayers, no differently that the ones occurring now -as the Arpaio rounds ups, of Hispanics continually violates the -US Citizens of Hispanic descents civil rights. (That is another blog subject of the New Hate in Az., as his costs to the taxpayers surmount to over 40 million and in lost lawsuit payouts and judgements-and still counting)
The DPS's costs were not just for the the violation, (the citizens who they wronged) it was also for the costs of defending itself in the costly ongoing court battles. In addition to the courts subsequent findings of the DPS's violations, it also awarded the cost of attorneys fees, brought by the plaintiffs who were decriminated against is this lawsuit. One would think that this could not occur in today's time, or this was a practice of the past.? In this case it was settled in court as recently as 2008. 
The Hate, is now becoming more clear in this series, as the racial profiling aspect -has tied this subject into todays's New Hate Movement.
In Part-7 of this series; the violation of Hispanic US.Citizens -civil rights, for committing no other crime, outside being ..."Guilty of being Brown..."

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