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Arizona's... News and Blogs source with the...'Truth'...

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Barrio Golden Gate

I had a chance to read the book Borderline Americans by Katherine Benton-Cohen. It has very vivid reminders of the past discrimination in the history of Az., that should not be forgotten.

In Morenci, a Copper Mining Community, there were struggles as to how the treatment and pay of  Mexican Miners were in comparison to their White counterparts.

The infamous Bisbee Deportation, was mentioned in this book, where over 1000 Mexican American Miners organized, and took a stand against the Phelps Dodge Corporation. The Company made quick work of these Union Organizers (many US Citizens by this time) by 'deporting' them into the desert in New Mexico.

There is much more the book gets into, though this blog is more about a modern day travesty many may not be aware of.

In the rich cultural history of modern day Metro Phoenix, there has always been diversity. Its hard to tell in a State that has recently set its agenda on demonizing the entire Hispanic Community, by passing laws like the "papers please" law SB1070, and "down on brown education" HB2281 Anti-Mexican American Studies law, Az's attempt at erasing its own history of discrimination towards the Mexican American Community.

In the case of Golden Gate, or so affectionately known by those who were from the predominately Mexican American neighborhood, "Barrio Golden Gate".  The "powers" set it sights on this area to condemn and relocate the residents to other sections of Phoenix.

You see, the "Chicano" neighborhood stood on prime real estate, and progress or "eminent domain", for the purposes of expanding Shy Harbor and the I-10 Fwy. These projects took precedence, over the residence of this area, as profiteers ran the show then, just like they do today.

I got the chance to sit down with a few former residents of the area, and fellow Veteran brothers of American Legion Post-41.

One member, said they were one of the last families to relocate out of the area. The "powers" or in this case those who chose to make the airport expansion and the freeway corridor through this neighborhood instead of somewhere else.., came several times, and to an extent threatened the last family to leave or else.  They increased the funds offered to the residents as time passed, though ultimately they were all required to move.

Today there is little left of the once large, yet tight-nit Barrio, save for the Sacred Heart Parish, which was saved from demolition as a Historical Landmark. The former residents of Golden Gate, hold Mass Vigil at the community church there once a year. (see link). This is the only time and place they can all get together reminisce about their former neighborhood.

I hope by enlightening those who are not aware of the rich history minorities have played in Arizona's past. We hope to not forget and allow mistakes to occur in the future, such as SB1070, and HB2281. Maybe the "powers" will "get it" and understand.... we ARE Arizona, and nothing will they do will change or erase that history.

The residents of "Barrio Golden Gate" will certainly never forget.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Arizona Hispanic Veterans Speak Out..

Its been sometime since I have had a chance to publish a blog.. I have been busy with relocation of my work from Tucson to Phoenix..

Luckily, I still had time to spend on occasion at the local Veterans favorite watering hole.. American Legion Post-41. Being a longtime member myself, I had a chance to query the fellow Vets about the climate in Az..

Robert Hernandez, a former Post Commander and currently a "Public Relations Officer".. told me, that though most in the post seem to have difficulties with what is occurring in Az., they do not hold back conversing with each other in private.

He went on to say as a "member" or "officer" one could not use the "Legion".. in any political discussion to take sides, though most do so on a personal level frequently.. Which is fine according to the Legion by-laws, as long as the Legion itself, was not used they remain "ok" with this, being discussed  with the membership as private citizens..

Which leads me to want to "touch base" a little on this..

I found it interesting that the American Legion charter itself takes a position which involves "politics in Az"..

They dabble in words in phrases like "..Secure the Border"..."No Amensty"..etc. (see link)

..but what really caught my attention was...

Does the American legion support citizen watch groups like 
the minutemen?
".... Many of our members are sympathetic to groups like the Minutemen who have brought attention 
to the issue of illegal immigration. But it is not our policy – as an organization -- to endorse other organizations..."

Sounds like something out of of "teaparty" koolaid recipe...No..?

I assure you it is not.., the link I posted is exactly what they as an organization stand behind.. Most may not be aware but that same "hate group" (Minutemen) were responsible for the murder of 9yr old Brisnia Flores, and her father, who were both Mexican/American.

Why would a Veterans Org., take such a harsh and divisive position or stance..?

I asked this very question to my fellow Vets at the Post, and most were as appalled to hear this.. (One asked me to show him this, as he did not believe me..)

However, there were a few who somehow could overlook this point, and still side with the Legions stance, as they remain staunch anti-immigrant zealots.

Yes, the mostly Mexican/American Post has "both" sides of the aisle within its membership.

Even with the JT Ready incident recently, those who "supported" being anti-immigrant remained true to their convictions..

Some would ask themselves ..
Why would you remain affiliated with an Org that seems to supports Anti-Hispanic laws and have members who condone and support Orgs like the Minutemen..?

Knowing the history of Mexican/Americans in Arizona, and the struggles that have occurred here in the past, (well documented in my archived past blogs), I found myself questioning this as well..?

Many know that on a personal level I have called out those who support those groups and the "hateful" position that many on that side of the aisle, seem to want to continue to use as a wedge issue. They attack immigrants, and when they do so they also attack the entire minority community---Mexican/Americans, Asian/Americans, African/Americans, and if that not bad enough...? Native/Americans who are more "American" than anyone else, seem to fall into this "second class" category.. Thanks to positions like the one the Legion has.. Imagine that..?

I remain, as of now, still affiliated with Post-41, due to the "past works" that the 'local Org.,' has done to help the Hispanic community, especially the Vets who are minorities.  I will try to, as my father once said, "be proud" to have served your country so we could have the very freedoms to express ourselves like a many of us have done (including here on the internet), especially those here from Az..

I will try to make change from within, of course, with the help of many of my fellow Post-41 members, and my father who is also a Vet (Vietnam) and a lifetime member.

I will chronicle this with all of you who follow my blogs, so you can see what progress, 'if any', we can make..

Stay tuned..
