News and Blogs..

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hispanic Veterans targeted.. Arizona

A Vet is considered to have served his country, and done so in an Honorable fashion.. This statement holds true in just about everywhere you turn in the US..
The exception to this is of course is.. Arizona..
Arizona has been on the 'Hate' wave for some time, as I posted on my previous blogs..
In this case; the State has now pushed this hate wave to a new level.
In April of 2010, Governor Brewer signed controversial bill SB1070 into law. This law requires Hispanics who have been stopped by police to 'show their papers'.. meanwhile the 'white' community in all likely hood--would not be required to provide this same type of documentation..? This subject will be covered in this Hate Series, as todays focus is on the Vets who have been targeted.. 
Many are aware of the Decorated Vets who served this country Honorably.... In some cases due to issues with their citizenship, they were subsequently deported after their service to this country..? This has been prevalent in the US, as previously the US Government had an agreement with the Philippine Government and actively recruited Nationals from there to serve in the US Armed Forces..In return, the US would get places to locate their overseas bases.. This was not limited to that country as many served here Honorably. Though, many were from other countries, most were from Mexico, and after their service they were kicked out and deported..
The US Governments policies have not changed, as this still occurs today. Many are eligible to receive some of the militaries highest honors, including service above and beyond their call of duty.. Yet they are still not welcomed to live here..? 
This issue, is not to highlight these terrible occurrences of Vets being targeted from other countries..? This subject will be covered on another blog as well..
In this case.. this blog is more to focus on US Citizens of Hispanic Descent, being targeted due to the hate movement behind Brewers SB1070 law.. 
In this case; Mexican/American Veteran --Felix Gonzalez.
This decorated long time Armed Forces member and Hero to our country, was one of the 'first' victims to be targeted during the SB1070 fallout.. He is NOT an immigrant, he is the son of a Mexican American father and a mother with Spanish roots. 
Gonzalez, a Post Commander of the American Legion Hall in Apache Junction Az., one of the largest Posts with over 2500 members. Was holding a regular session of his Veterans Organization, and during the regular business.. He and his ethnicity were singled out. 
During this meeting, that occurred in the aftermath of SB1070, a large portion of the membership decided to call a vote to ban the Mexican American holiday ..'Cinco de Mayo'.. 
There are two thoughts that were mentioned as to why..? Both are stemming from 'the New Hate sweeping over Az'.. 
One was: This celebration is not celebrated in Mexico, so we do not need it here.?
Incorrect... It is very much so celebrated here and, as in the Capitol of Mexico, not to mention: the small villages -all- stop and remember the tiny Mexican town that fended off the invading French.. 
The follow up to that thought would be..?  
Indeed, if it were not celebrated in Mexico, it was only celebrated here..? Should it not be  considered a Mexican/American Holiday, rather than a Mexican Holiday..? 
It is everywhere else ----but in the State of Arizona.
To most of Arizona Hispanic Citizens, that comprised of 1/3 of the States population -they so affectionately have come know Arizona as the 'State of Hate'.. In this case you can see why..?
During this meeting and targeting of ONLY the ethic Holiday (as no others were ever brought up?)  
World War II veteran Harry Robert Warren quoted:...
...."I was kind of horrified that they would do something like that..."
He cast the lone descending vote against it, as only him and Gonzalez opposed this hateful attack on  the Mexican American Holiday...
Gonzales went on to state..
...."It caught me by total surprise,......It blindsided me the way it was put on the floor.....I've been commander one year, and if it were really that way I would not be commander."
Furthermore he went on to state..
...."A lot of people don't know the reason for having St. Patrick's Day, either," .....said Gonzalez, a 24-year Air Force veteran.....
Arizonas New Hate is now on its avalanche mode as its 'targeting' of Hispanics has now taken on its proud Heroes.. (Note: no other holiday was targeted in this Post..before or since this occurrence.. )
In part -9 of this series, Hispanic Citizens who have become victims of  Hate and Bigotry courtesy of The New Hate Movement....and its leader Russell Pearce.. 

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