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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The attack on the Chicano Movement..Arizona

The Hispanic culture runs deep in Arizona. One does not have to travel far in any direction to get a taste of the real Southwest.
I have mentioned how the 'Hate' movement in Arizona has never stopped their assault on the Hispanic population?
How I will tie the Old Hate to the recently taken over-  New Hate? Will be more clear once this series is finished. 
To get there, one has to understand the cultures and traditions of this very large ethnic minority. What are their likes and dislikes.? What music do they listen to? Clothes, foods, etc.., yes even what language this group prefers to speak while in the comforts of their own homes..?  
In this case, its more of a lifestyle, of sorts.. Yes, the southwest and Chicano culture runs along side of its very --Mexican/American ancestry.. 
This lifestyle in Arizona, came into play in the 70's and early 80's. It is known by most today, as'Lowriding'.. These are Custom Cars which are seen in Car Shows, and sometimes seen cruising the streets of Arizona, for their group functions, or to meet others and show off their rides. 
This movement of the 'Chicano' (Mexican/American) culture originated in Southern California. It was common for these Mexican/Americans to bring over the new styles and showcase their 'rides'.. in the Arizona, scene.. 
This movement was helped by fledging Chicano Movement Magazines such as Q-Vo mag, Firme mag, Teen Angel mag, and Lowrider Mag..  These magazines highlighted the best of the best- of this group. They helped in setting the trends-- that were just getting started in the Hispanic community back then.. 
In this case, they helped combat the stereotype of Hate amongst the business community and the various police agencies.
These two groups -the businesses and police classified the Chicanos and their Lowrider Movementas all 'gang' related..
This peaceful group of Hispanics who just wanted to show off their cars, had targets placed on them.  In this case, they were found guilty of having committed a crime, when the only crime was that they were in violation of; ...was- being a  Hispanic with nice car..? 
They created large Car Clubs, who were also at times, mistaken and classified as 'gangs' by the local police. Some of these early Arizona Clubs include: Destiny, Spirit, Sophisticated Few, Society, Groupe, Stylistics, Dukes, Imperials, Carnales,  and many others. 
If it weren't for these Magazines and the prominent members of the local scene, calling out the hate, this targeting of Chicanos may never have stopped...?
The first attempt at a Car Show, brought much disdain and animosity towards these Hispanics. Predominant members such as Johnny Lozoya, Sonny Madrid, Alberto Lopez, Benjamin Hernandez, and others..., stepped up and made it possible to have this Chicano Movements first ever car show. This didn't occur in Phx., (no surprise there) as the buisineses community didn't want to host a Hispanic event, and this left little choice as far as venues..?
The Native American Tribe, offered its land with open arms in '79, and Firebird Lake became the first venue in Arizona to host such an event.
Its success, was well received by the business community, and the subsequent years that followed, the 'gang' show was allowed to continue at the Az., Convention Center and Fairgrounds. 
Todays Car Clubs have seen their community  attacked again. The New Hate in Arizona, has now been felt by all the Hispanics as now this community-- according to Sen. Russell Pearce, is the new number one priority to set its sights on. The economony can wait according to him. Hispanics and all associated with this group are on the New Hate agenda. 
Which is why the Car Clubs of today generally- attend, support, and protest, along with civil rights, human rights organizations, and other the groups who are opposed to this constant and seemingly never ending hate, directed at Hispanics. 
Part-5, of this series will further highlight the bigotry and hatred directed at Hispanics in Arizona and give a more modern day prospective. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your posts! I am a student documenting my father's work in El movimiento that was here in Phoenix, Arizona. Loved what you had to say about the criminalization of the Chicano.
