Luckily, I still had time to spend on occasion at the local Veterans favorite watering hole.. American Legion Post-41. Being a longtime member myself, I had a chance to query the fellow Vets about the climate in Az..

He went on to say as a "member" or "officer" one could not use the "Legion".. in any political discussion to take sides, though most do so on a personal level frequently.. Which is fine according to the Legion by-laws, as long as the Legion itself, was not used they remain "ok" with this, being discussed with the membership as private citizens..
Which leads me to want to "touch base" a little on this..
I found it interesting that the American Legion charter itself takes a position which involves "politics in Az"..
They dabble in words in phrases like "..Secure the Border"..."No Amensty"..etc. (see link)
..but what really caught my attention was...
Does the American legion support citizen watch groups like
the minutemen?
".... Many of our members are sympathetic to groups like the Minutemen who have brought attention
to the issue of illegal immigration. But it is not our policy – as an organization -- to endorse other organizations..."
Sounds like something out of of "teaparty" koolaid recipe...No..?
I assure you it is not.., the link I posted is exactly what they as an organization stand behind.. Most may not be aware but that same "hate group" (Minutemen) were responsible for the murder of 9yr old Brisnia Flores, and her father, who were both Mexican/American.
Why would a Veterans Org., take such a harsh and divisive position or stance..?
I asked this very question to my fellow Vets at the Post, and most were as appalled to hear this.. (One asked me to show him this, as he did not believe me..)
However, there were a few who somehow could overlook this point, and still side with the Legions stance, as they remain staunch anti-immigrant zealots.
Yes, the mostly Mexican/American Post has "both" sides of the aisle within its membership.
Even with the JT Ready incident recently, those who "supported" being anti-immigrant remained true to their convictions..
Some would ask themselves ..
Why would you remain affiliated with an Org that seems to supports Anti-Hispanic laws and have members who condone and support Orgs like the Minutemen..?
Knowing the history of Mexican/Americans in Arizona, and the struggles that have occurred here in the past, (well documented in my archived past blogs), I found myself questioning this as well..?
Many know that on a personal level I have called out those who support those groups and the "hateful" position that many on that side of the aisle, seem to want to continue to use as a wedge issue. They attack immigrants, and when they do so they also attack the entire minority community---Mexican/Americans, Asian/Americans, African/Americans, and if that not bad enough...? Native/Americans who are more "American" than anyone else, seem to fall into this "second class" category.. Thanks to positions like the one the Legion has.. Imagine that..?
I remain, as of now, still affiliated with Post-41, due to the "past works" that the 'local Org.,' has done to help the Hispanic community, especially the Vets who are minorities. I will try to, as my father once said, "be proud" to have served your country so we could have the very freedoms to express ourselves like a many of us have done (including here on the internet), especially those here from Az..
I will try to make change from within, of course, with the help of many of my fellow Post-41 members, and my father who is also a Vet (Vietnam) and a lifetime member.
I will chronicle this with all of you who follow my blogs, so you can see what progress, 'if any', we can make..
Stay tuned..
do you know who the original 16 guys were that started the post?