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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Citizens for a Better Arizona (CBA), posts statement on Russell Pearce recall..

Russell  Pearce has attacked the group trying to recall him. 

He has called this group ..."outsiders", ..."open borders liberals", and more.. He has filed a lawsuit against the State of Arizona, for certifying over 10,000 signatures to recall him. He is seemingly threatened as his political career is nearing its end.. This statement was posted on a blog by those who have been targeted by his constant attacks..The quote is from Chad Snow, who along with Randy Paraz and 'Citizens for a Better Arizona' are behind his recall.
Chad Snow
Chuck Coughlin was right - politics is a team sport.  The voters of Mesa can now decide which team they want to be on. 

Russell Pearce has pursued a very extreme agenda at the legislature and has been an enemy of education and our state's economy.  He has clearly become a tool of outside special interests like CCA, ALEC, FAIR, and the Fiesta Bowl.  His only supporters at this point are lobbyists.  He has been dishonest with the voters of Mesa with regard to his involvement in the Fiesta Bowl, his ties to Neo Nazi's, the recall effort, and many other issues.  He has presided over the most divisive, polarizing period in our state's history. 

"Team Lewis" on the other hand, has shown that they will take the high road and reintroduce integrity and comity to the state legislature.  He will unite our state rather than divide it.  He will focus on issues that are higher on the priority list like education, health care, and economic growth.  He can restore the credibility of the state Republican party, which has recently too often backed extreme, one-issue ideologues like Pearce, Arpaio, and Thomas. 

Which team are you on? 

This statement posted from Chad Snow of the Group Citizens for a better Arizona.. CBA Jul-27-2011